Exploring the influence of HRM Practices on Employee motivation in public organizations: A systematic Literature review
Human resource practices, motivation, public sector motivation, public sectorAbstract
To date, much research has been done on the association between Human resource management practices and its outcomes; less consideration has been focused on the association between HRM practices and its affect on motivation of employees to produce valuable outcomes. This article presents a narrative
systematic Literature review accumulating the affect of HRM practices on employee motivation in public organizations. The findings based on the 72 articles support a significant relationship of the practices with employee motivation either intrinsically or extrinsically. Moreover, the results suggested that appropriate implementation of HR practices motivate the employees to produce dynamic outcome like job satisfaction, retention, performance, commitment and OCB. This systematic literature review emerges by reviewing 72 research articles from time period 1990 to 2016 based on specific protocols and inclusion/exclusion criteria. In this review various demographic characteristics have been investigated for analysis including most frequently used research design and strategy, patterns of study context, time period, types of respondents and underpinning theories. Further, detailed analysis has been performed to explore the influence of HR practices on motivation also identifying the outcomes of this motivation in public sector organizations. In the end a model was created for illustrative presentation of the relationship between HR practices, motivation and its outcomes. This narrative systematic literature review establishes the broad vision to the scholars for further investigation in the field of HR Management.