An Empirical Study on the Resilience of Emotionally Intelligent Teachers to Ostracism and Counterproductive Work Behaviors in Context of the Higher Educational Sector of Pakistan



  • Nadia Nasir
  • Ch Abdul Khaliq
  • Muqqadas Rehman


Ostracism, Stress, Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB), Emotional Intelligence (EI)


The intention of this study is to investigate the effects of ostracism on the counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) through the mediating effects of stress, while emotional intelligence used as a moderating variable to reduce the impact of stress on the CWB. A survey was conducted at from the employees of five public and private sector universities in Pakistan. Approximately 323 valid samples were considered for this study. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis reveal that emotional intelligence (EI) significantly moderates the relationship between stress and counterproductive behavior of the teachers. Moreover, the ostracism and counterproductive work behaviors were meager for the teachers with high experience. Ultimately the stress at workplace mediates the extent of the positive association between ostracism and counterproductive work behaviors. Social exchange theory is integrated to propose a mediation moderation model and found that teachers with high level belongingness are faced with more ostracism and those with less political skill are usually more involved in counterproductive work behaviors. Theoretical and practical effects are also considered.

