How Social Gratification affects Social Network Gaming Habitual Behavior. Sequential Mediation of Flow Experience and Consumer Satisfaction
Social gratification, social interaction, social presence, flow experience, consumer satisfaction, social network gaming habitual behavior, Pakistan.Abstract
The present research has explored the role of social interaction and social presence, two components of social gratification, in shaping up social network gaming habitual behavior. The study has analyzed sequential mediation of flow experience and consumer satisfaction in between the association social gratification facets and social network gaming habitual behavior. 500 responses were collected from social gaming consumers of Pakistan using convenience sampling technique. 471 responses were found to be appropriate for data analysis. SPSS 25.0 was used for descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and correlation analysis while PROCESS SPSS Macro was used for examining the mediation effects. The proposed research model was also analyzed and validated using structural equation modelling through AMOS 22. Results of the study revealed that flow experience and consumer satisfaction play significant role as sequential mediators between social gratification facets and social network gaming habitual behavior. Consumer satisfaction was observed to play the most effective role among all determinants considered in the present research. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future research directions have been discussed as well.