Perceived Usefulness of Mobile and Mobile Advertising: Understanding Relationship through Structural Approach



  • Marium Mateen Khan
  • Noman Mahmood
  • Tariq Jalees


Perceived Usefulness, Mobile Advertising, User Friendliness, Operational Ease, SMS Advertising


Objective of this research paper is to understand if mobile and mobile advertising is perceived to be useful by the consumers in the persuasive communication process. Usage of mobile devices and mobile advertising by marketers and advertisers alike is increasing to reach out to their respective target audiences (Jung, Sung, & Wei-Na, 2013). Questionnaires were distributed online amongst the respondents using Google forms. Validity and reliability of the adopted scales were ascertained. Descriptive analysis was done to establish the normality of the data and correlation analysis was carried out to depict the uniqueness and distinguishability of the construct. To reach to final conclusions about the research objective data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results show that user friendliness creates consumer perception about the mobile and mobile advertising as being useful for the consumer. While the other hypothesis regarding operational ease and consumer perception was rejected.

