Impact of Customer, Environment and Company Side Uncertainty and Risk on Logistical Performance: An Analysis on Pakistan Courier Industry



  • Sehran Akram
  • Danish Ahmed Siddiqui


Customer, Environment, Risk, Uncertainty, Logistics and SEM


This study investigates the supply chain uncertainty and risk on the logistics performance of Pakistan courier industry. The three main constructs under the supply chain uncertainty are company side, customer side, and environmental side risk uncertainty. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire with a seven-scale measurement from which 200 responses have been gathered from the managers, staff members to higher-level managers of the Pakistan Courier industry. The study has used structural equation modeling for the data analysis. The study found that there is a significant relationship between the company-side, customer-side and environmental side risks on the logistics performance of the Pakistan courier industry. The statistical analysis clearly reveals that the courier has been facing the major risk that could affect the health and performance of the company, therefore, it is important to focus on the logistics performance as it is the most notable factor to make courier industry efficient and directly interrelates with the company progress and success.

