Mediating role of Job Satisfaction between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan
Organizational Justice, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Job Satisfaction, Organizational behavior,Abstract
In this modern era where organizations are realizing the real strategic worth of employees and how employees with the right skills and attitude plays the vital role in the success of any organization, the role of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior is also being realized by organizations. This
study aims to add in literature by highlighting the importance of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and how organizational justice leads to job satisfaction which ultimately leads to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. 334 employees from 3 pharmaceutical companies participated in the
study. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study results clearly show that job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and mediation value is significant for path organizational justice to job satisfaction whereas for job
satisfaction to organizational citizenship behavior is insignificant. The result provides the useful insights for organizational behavior practitioners and policy makers to craft workplace policies and appropriate trainings designs. Future areas of study are suggested at the end.