Impact of E-Banking Service Quality on Customers’ Behavior Intentions Mediating Role of Trust



  • Sadia Butt


Customers’ Behaviour Intentions, E-Banking Service Qquality, Trust, Online-Banking Services


This study examines customers’ behavior intentions to use online-banking services in Pakistan context. It also examines mediating impact of customers’ trust on association of e-banking service quality (E-BSQ) and their behavior intention (BI) as users of service. Data is obtained via selfadministered questionnaire using survey method from 250 respondents (E-users of banks) from Lahore, Pakistan. Data is analyzed applying regression mediation analysis through Hayes process macro-SPSS 21. Results revealed the positive significant impact of E-BSQ on customers’ trust. Further, EBSQ was also significant predictor of their behavior intentions. Mediating variable trust had also significant effect on customer behavior intentions. Results also supported partial mediation of trust in association of E-BSQ and BI. This study has implications for scholars, management and decision makers as findings provide valuable information on the significance of building customer trust and improving online-banking services for customers’ retention. The research was focused on ebanking context. Future research studies should apply this framework in other service industries for generalizability of findings across various service sectors.

