Regional Trade and Food Security Challenges in SAARC Countries



  • Nasir Munir
  • Muhammad Nadeem Abbas


Food security, Gravity model, SAARC countries


Regional Trade has become the need of the SAARC region due to increase in consumption and less utilization of resources. Due to better trade among SAARC countries, it will bring good effect on food security of the region. In this study the need of Regional Trade in SAARC countries has been explored. Study showed the pattern of SAARC countries Intra- trade and with the different regions of the globe. Panel data is used to explore the effect of explanatory variables. Volume of Food Trade is used as endogenous variable in the study. Items of Harmonized System of 1-24 have been taken in the study. In this we have used the Gravity model to analyze the empirical relationship between variables. The objective of the research is to analyze the food security condition in the SAARC region in order to obtain assistance & plans for provincial trade and co-operation in food safety. In the study, it has concluded that there is positive association among GDP of exporting and importing country with Volume of Trade. When the trade of food is increased the availability of food is easy for every citizen, due to demand supply gap prices also fall that will increase the purchasing power of the people and the accessibility of food to people of SAARC.

