Determinants of Job Satisfaction in Schools of Agha Khan Education Board, Karachi
Job Satisfaction, Salary and Benefits, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Working Conditions and Work-Life Balance.Abstract
The purpose of this research was to identify various determinants that are responsible for job satisfaction of employees in schools operating under Agha Khan Education Board, Karachi. The five determinants, chosen for testing their impact on job satisfaction included Salary and Benefits, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Working Conditions and Work-Life Balance. Adopting deductive approach, hypotheses were formulated and a well-structured questionnaire was prepared. To get views of the employees of selected schools, quantitative data were collected through the questionnaire. The data were then treated with the help of statistical tool multiple regression to examine the impact of independent variables on job satisfaction. Findings of the research indicated that employees of the selected schools were generally satisfied with their job, with varying degree of impact of different determinants. There was a significant impact of three determinants including salary & benefits, performance appraisal and working environment, on job satisfaction. However, impact of training & development and work-life balance was not significant. This study is considered to be of immense value for the management of Schools of Agha Khan Education Board in understanding impact of different factors on employee motivation and taking appropriate measures to further improve employee satisfaction and motivation. Other institutions of the education industry may equally benefit from the study. Head teachers and top management of the schools can take appropriate measures, as proposed at the end, to ensure high level of job satisfaction of teachers.