Impact of hierarchical destination image on intentions to recommend
Destination Image, Cognitive Image, Affective Image, Conative Image, Tourism Growth.Abstract
This study investigates the destination image by examining its dimensions cognitive, affective and conative images, to develop deep understanding and how these dimensions affect intentions to recommend. For the purpose we have used data of 338 tourists. For analysis PLS-SEM technique through Smart-PLS software. The finding of study shown that we use all dimensions are significant and they do influence intentions to recommend. The study adds to the knowledge body by not only studying the all dimensions of destination image separately in context of developing country. It also endorses the importance of conative image in complete the destination image and intensifying the behavioral intentions. Though in many past research conative is misunderstood as intentions and thus ignored in tourism research. The study is also vital for practitioner specially Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) to develop affective strategies for the growth of tourism.