Creating Synergy through Balanced Score Card (BSC) for Organizational Strategic Objectives: A Study of Pakistan Defense Services



  • Muhammad Arif
  • Mustaghis-ur-Rahman


Synergy, Resource Based Theory, Strategic Objective BSC Perspectives, Enabling Processes, National Defense Objectives


This study explores the ability of a Balanced Score Card (BSC) to create synergy for an organization to achieve its ultimate strategic aims and objectives. The study is focused at the management perspectives for the BSC of Pakistan Defence Services as underlying foundation stone on the basis of which, BSC for respective force i.e. Army, Navy and Air force can be developed. Based on sound reasoning embedded in Resource Based Theory, In the light of basic conceptual model, various hypotheses were formulated for the verification of model using quantitative approach. The fitness of conceptual model and confirmation of hypothesis was carried out using quantitative techniques i.e employing simple and multiple regression modeling using computer based SPSS software. In the wake of quantitative analysis, it emerged that, ‘National Purpose’, ‘Resources’, ‘Enabling Processes’ and ‘Building for Future’ are the predictors of Achievement of National Defence Objectives, while operating as constituents of BSC create synergetic effect which ensures realization of National Defence Objectives.

