Online Retail Stores Service Quality and Its Impact on Behaviors of Customers with Mediating Role of Attitude



  • Noreen Zahra
  • Haroon Rasheed
  • Atif Hassan


Ease of Use, Information Accuracy, Functionality, Order Condition, Interactive Fairness, Outcome Fairness, Procedural Fairness, Attitude, Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, SERVQUAL


Online retail stores is an emerging market in Pakistan and all the managers of such online retail stores are struggling to win the trust and positive attitude of the customer while offering quality services. Such online retail stores are its embryonic stage thus the awareness of web presence and customer perception regarding service quality is important to offer better value. Many studies have been conducted in recently to measure the service quality dimension of online retail stores but such studies have been so far less observed in Pakistani context where it is still a new culture. The aim of this article is to measure the online retail store service quality, attitude and behavior of customers who are buying online and extract the leading dimension. A survey of 295 customers shows that ease of use, privacy, order condition and procedural fairness are leading dimensions impacting positively the behavior of customer while mearing service quality. It is also interpreted that positive attitude towards online retail store buying can enforce the positive and consistent behavior towards online shopping.

